Street Address

1127 chemin Dunany
Gore, QC
J8H 3W8



The Venerable Ralph Leavitt

Ordained Staff

Associate Priest
The Revd Nick Pang


  • Parking Lot


Sunday Services
Seasonal - 7 pm
Alternating weeks Evening Prayer / Holy Communion

Other Sunday Services
Mid summer Beach Service

Weekday Services
Christmas Eve - Service of Lessons and Carols


Parish Description

St Paul's church lies in a beautiful country setting along the Dunany Road about 10 minutes north of Lachute.  Services are held throughout the summer and at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There is a warm feeling of family and the community at large is greatly responsible for support and outreach both financially and spiritually.  Please join us for relaxed and informal worshipping of our Lord and Saviour.  Everyone is most welcome.  For information, please call 450-562-6381.