April 23-29: Oil Sands: Excavating a Deeper Narrative - PWRDF Presentation
/Please join us for a PWRDF presentation on the third Thursday of April at noon in Fulford Hall…
Faith in the Oil Sands: Excavating for Deeper Narratives
The oil sands are one of the largest industrial complexes in the world and undeniably a central part of Canada's economy and international identity. Despite its prominence, discussions of this subject can seem taboo and often present only two opposing narratives pitted against each other; economic development versus environmental preservation. What about the diverse narratives in between that are lost in these polarized exchanges? What narratives about our relationships with God, neighbours, the land, and our selves, emerge from the oil/tar sands developments? Do these narratives fit well with the Gospel narrative of God’s coming Kingdom of justice and peace?
Please join us as Lauren Lallemand presents these issues - largely based on her experiences at the Justice Camp in Edmonton last summer and her visit to the oil sands where she spoke with many different groups about their perspectives and the realities of living in Fort McMurray.
This topic will be linked with a photo and quote exhibit that will be happening in the Atrium of the Diocese of Montreal April 23rd to 29th
All welcome! Bring your lunch… and a friend! Light refreshments will be served.