Montreal Cares Award

(as seen on

Thursday, the 12th May 2016 proved to be a momentous day in the life of Communitas as our organization was honoured and presented with a ‘2016 Montreal Cares Award’ as one of three Community Organizations so recognized at a Gala Event.

The 6th Annual red carpet event was well attended with guests dressed to impress and many activities – with dancers, musicians and a fund-raising auction only some of the events that unfolded during the evening.

Some 17 awardees in 6 categories (Small Medium Enterprises/Youth Leader/Student-Athlete/Community Leader/Community Organization/Lifetime Achievement Award), were presented with beautiful awards by various distinguished citizens of Montreal.

Communitas was recognized for our work in restorative justice through the re-integration of ex-prisoners in the community.

Michele, Peter, Jeri and Kadene attended the ceremony on behalf of Communitas, with Michele and Peter accepting the award and being interviewed on stage.

Many were the words of encouragement received from the attendees at the end of the event, with several persons introducing themselves and offering to become volunteers.

The evening ended with a continuation of the fund raising auction (which was supported by P.K. Subban – one of the awardees) and more red carpet photos and gift bags for all. A truly wonderful evening- and a milestone in the life of Communitas!