An Opportunity to Welcome the Stranger on Saturday, October 14th

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to gather in our communities to give thanks this weekend, I invite you to share this invitation with your congregation and to join Bishop Mary and Bishop Bruce as we journey to the Canada-US border next weekend, Saturday, October 14th to stand in solidarity with all those involved in the increase of migrants crossing over our borders into Quebec.

We will meet on October 14th, at 2pm in the Eastern Townships, near the border crossing at Hemingford at the Havelock Fair Ground, Rte 202, Havelock, QC. There Bishop Mary and Bishop Bruce will be presiding over the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, where we will pray for the border crossers, the civil servants and NGO workers who are welcoming them, as well as our neighbors who have responded to these crossings with mixed emotions. Dr. Mary Jo Leddy will also be joining us as the preacher.

This act is not a protest. We are not gathering in opposition to those who fear the migrants who are crossing our borders. Rather, we are gathering to be united to Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and thereby, to express our solidarity to “the least of these” with whom Christ identifies himself. We will meet and we will pray that God’s love may be increased in us and amongst us.

You are also invited to gather in small groups in your parishes, university/college, CEGEP, NGO or home groups for a theological study of Dr. Mary Jo Leddy’s most recent book, The Other Face of God: When Strangers Call us Home—a book whose accessibility and spiritually rich content is very well suited to our context. Communities can use the attached liturgical reflective resource to help facilitate a discussion reflecting on “who is my neighbour” and how we understand borders. The facilitation guide has been designed so that the group facilitators and participants will be able to engage the material with little previous study or preparation. We also hope that participants might also be able to reflect on their experience gathering at the border.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or 514-843-6577).

Wishing you many blessings as we celebrate this thanksgiving weekend!

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th as we meet Jesus at the border!



The Ven Robert Camara
Vicar General & 

Executive Archdeacon

Diocese of Montreal
1444 Avenue Union
Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2B8
Tel: (514) 843-6577 ext. 231