Ask More Questions

Ask More Questions: Engaging with needs, questions and concerns of children and youth ministry today!

The dioceses of Montreal and Ottawa are hosting their annual children and youth ministry training in a whole new way this year! They have invited Sheilagh McGlynn, the youth animator from the National Church, and acclaimed youth ministry expert Rev Jean Daniel Williams to help to facilitate a unique conversation that welcomes a wide variety of approaches and will engage with the needs, questions and concerns facing children and youth ministry today. 
Thanks to the expertise of Gideon Strauss, they will be using design thinking to shape and build a conversation that is relevant and transformative as we seek to serve and grow disciples in the world today.

Check out Gideon's blog

Find more information and helpful links on our Facebook event

When: Saturday, November 25th 10 am - 2 pm

Where: 1444 Union (2nd floor)

Register HERE by Wednesday, November 20th 

Lunch is included / Free will donation