Week of Christian Unity
/Hello everyone, and happy New Year!
This is your annual reminder that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is coming up soon.
It traditionally falls between January 18th (Feast of the Confession of St Peter) and January 25th (Feast of the Conversion of St Paul).
It’s an ideal opportunity to invite neighbouring churches to gather together, either for a prayer service, a Bible Study, or any other creative expression of Christian unity you might imagine. It’s also a good time to commit to praying for the unity of the church both in your private and congregational prayers.
1) There’s a full resource pack in both English and French at www.weekofprayer.ca
2) If you hold or participate in a gathering for the WPCU could you let me know so I can keep track of where in the diocese they’re all happening?
3) Bonus: if you’re able and willing, please send me some photos with captions and photo credits for the national Week of Prayer website.
4) The joint Montreal WPCU service hosted by the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism will be held on Sunday, January 21st at 3pm at Union United Church (3007 Rue Delisle) on Atwater.
Many thanks.
Wishing you many blessings in this Epiphanytide.
All the best,