It's a New Year, it's time for a new digital strategy! 5 Tips to get you started...

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Digital Communications ---- 5 Tips to get you started

-Lee-Ann Matthews

  1. Digital Ministry Matters! The digital revolution is well underway and it is changing the way we learn, pray, connect and share. This is happening fast and if we don’t adapt, we will be left behind. You must be convicted of the virtues of digital communication. Spend some time online researching faith communities that have digital ministry that is effective, inspiring and up lifting. There are many ways to build meaningful, prayerful connections online but you must believe this before you proceed.

  2. Discernment, motivation and energy are key. Before you embark on a digital strategy or before you decide to reboot one, you will need to have some energy, drive and determination. Start praying on this opportunity and asking for Gods’ help. Begin by speaking and praying with others who you identify as potential candidates in your community who might share your passion for this ministry. Carefully assess who will lead and what support they will need. 

  3. Focus on one thing at a time. It is strongly recommended that you establish your website first. Build a website that is user friendly. The easier it is to update the more likely it will get done. Accurate, seasonal and regularly maintained websites with good quality images will have the most success. New guests are predicted to evaluate your website several times before they come into your building or reach out. You have a few seconds to make the right impression and to leave them with something to remember you by. To stand out, you should consider including something inspirational, perhaps a link to a song, prayer or poem? This should reflect something unique and pastoral about your context. 

  4. Who are you? Take a pen and paper or open a digital file and begin to make lists of who you are as a church. What are your strengths? What makes you unique? What makes you different? What makes you quirky? What are your struggles? Where are your gifts? Who is on your pews? Who is in your choir? Who preaches? Who are you as a congregation? Who are you to the surrounding community? Who are you to one another? This is a fun, creative exercise as there are no wrong answers. These are YOUR perceptions. Invite others to join you. This will be a very helpful document on your digital journey. 

  5. Get on social media and tell your story! Be creative, transparent and authentic. There are many templates for story telling and many ways to tell a story online. This will require some consideration on your part to determine the best and most effective strategy. You may consider using portraits, selfies, poetry, blogs, testimonials, videos, illustrations, food pics, hymn lyrics and bible verses as they all tell a story. What is your story? Only you can tell it. Use your website and social media to capture the uniqueness of your story. Focus on one at a time, perhaps a person or a ministry, develop it well and be prepared for your digital ministry to encourage, support and connect in ways you may never have predicted. 

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