Everything Messy! A Messy Church directory from The Mission Committee

Following Neil Mancor’s successful Messy Church Webinar, the Mission Committee would like to give you some more inspiration to start your own Messy Church!

Do you want to start, but don’t know how?

Contact one of the experienced MC coordinators (below), or better yet – attend a Messy Church service yourself!

Other Messy Church opportunities around the diocese:

  • All Saints by the Lake (formerly PRAM), 865 Lakeshore Drive in Dorval, holds Messy Church on the first Friday of the month except for July and August.  Rosanne Harrison,messychurch.pram@gmail.com.

  • All Saints, Deux Montagnes - Messy Church is held on the third Wednesday of the month (except for July and August) beginning at 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm. Kathleen Leeming kathleen@allsaintsdeuxmontagnes.ca

  • Parish of Vaudreuil, Hudson St. James' Hall, 642 Main Rd., Hudson. First Saturday of the month, 4pm-6pm. Children and families celebration. Crafts and supper. All welcome! Sophie Rolland

  • St George’s Ste Anne de Bellevue Messy Church on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 5pm at St. George's - 23 avenue Perrault, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. www.stgeorgesanglicanchurch.org

  • You can get messy in the Laurentians, too!  The Anglican and United churches in the Laurentians team up to get messy on the first Saturday every two months (the schedule changes in July and August).  Our next Messy Church will be at Morin Heights United Church this Saturday, June 1st at 831 rue Village in Morin Heights from 11 to 1:30. https://www.facebook.com/LaurentianMinistry/