JOB OPPORTUNITY: Incumbent of the parish of Christ Church, Beaurepaire.

The Bishop of Montreal invites applications for the position of Incumbent of the parish of Christ Church, Beaurepaire. This is a full time position.

Christ Church is a vibrant parish in Beaurepaire Village in the City of Beaconsfield about a half-hour West of Downtown Montreal. Founded in 1924 and drawing on people from different communities and neighbourhoods, the parish is searching for a priest who will help them to stretch and grow in their faith and in their community.

The bishop is looking to appoint a priest to serve the parish as it continues to grow in their sense of mission and purpose, a priest who will be an enabler to assist and encourage all members in their ministry, a priest who will share God’s welcome and be inclusive to all, a priest who is prayerful and Spirit led.


A copy of their Parish Profile is available here

A letter from the CCB Search Committee is available here

Interested applicants, with their bishop’s permission, may submit a cover letter including a CV to the bishop’s office by mail to:

The Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson
1444 Union Avenue, Montreal, Qc H3A 2B8

Or by email to:

Closing date for applications: November 27, 2020.