New! Friday Morning Webinar series on Engaging with Children and Youth Online
/Friday Morning Webinar series: Engaging with Children and Youth Online, May-June 2020
Session 1. May 22nd 10 am-11:30 approx
Lee-Ann Matthews: Coordinator of Digital Communications + Youth Ministry Projects, Diocese of Montreal
a. Overview of digital ministry strategies for children and youth - webinar
b. May 29th - Group discussion to follow up listen, network and support on the topic 10-10:45 am
Session 2. June 5th 10 am-11:30 approx
The Rev Deborah Noonan: Associate Priest for Christian Formation, St. George’s Anglican Church
a. Exploring digital ministry as it applies to the unique needs of children and families (with speaker Rev. Deborah Noonan, conversation facilitated by Lee-Ann Matthews )
b. June 12th - Group discussion to follow up, listen, network and support on the topic 10-10:45 am
The Rev. Debbie Noonan is an Associate Priest for Christian Formation at St. George's Place du Canada where she leads and supports ministry with children and youth. Over the past 10 years she has served churches in Quebec, the UK and in the U.S and has developed a passion for helping families grow in faith together.
Session 3. June 19th 10 am-11:30 approx
The Rev. Hilary Bogart- Winkler: Director of Pastoral Studies at Montreal Diocesan Theological College
a. Exploring digital ministry as it applies to the unique needs of youth (speaker Rev. Hilary Bogart- Winkler, conversation facilitated by Lee-Ann Matthews )
b. June 26th - Group discussion to follow up, listen, network and support on the topic 10-10:45 am