Supper Club resumes Book and Bible Study Tonight! (Countdown to Summer)
/We are switching gears and returning back to our book / bible study. Join us on Monday for Chapter 6 "Gospel Stories" with Caroline Filler and Lee-Ann Matthews
Monday June 1st 6-7:30 (join HERE)
“The gospel means that every small story is part of a sweeping story, every ordinary life part of an extraordinary movement. God is busy making all things new, and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus has opened that work to everyone who wants in on it. The church is not a group of people who believe all the same things; the church is a group of people caught up in the same story, with Jesus at the center."
-Rachel Held Evans Chapter 6, Gospel Stories
Supper Club Calendar:
Mon. June 1st 6-7:30 pm Inspired by Rachel Held Evans -Chapter 6: Gospel Stories
Mon. June 8th 6-7:30pm Inspired by Rachel Held Evans -Chapter 7: Fish Stories
Mon. June 16th 6-7:30 Inspired by Rachel Held Evans - Chapter 8: Church Stories