Announcing the Bishop's Action Appeal 2021

Dear friend,

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I am hoping that you might be in a position to give to this year’s Bishop’s Action Appeal. As we begin to understand the effects of the pandemic, I am very thankful for our ministries that have adapted and flourished during this time. Your gift will help continue this important work.

Thanks to your generous response to last year’s appeal, the Princess Basma Hospital has been able to provide rehabilitation and educational assistance to many Palestinian children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. We were also able to support three local missions, in turn helping hundreds of families and individuals in the greater Montreal area during an increased time of need.

Our local missions need your support

This year we are once again asking you to help us fulfill our commitment to these three much-loved local missions that lift up the most vulnerable in our midst.

The Mile End Community Mission: While planning for a gradual reopening this fall and winter, we continue to offer three hot take-out meals per week, a food bank and grocery delivery service, and snacks and fun from our new outdoor café.

Action Réfugiés Montréal: We were thrilled to welcome our first sponsorship arrival since before the pandemic, reuniting brothers who had not seen each other in eleven years. Our Men’s Group and Twinning Program participants have started holding gatherings in person. We will continue reaching out to refugeed people in the Montreal area while preparing for when we will be able to welcome greater numbers of those in need of our help.

Tyndale-St Georges Community Centre: We are proud that our programs remained accessible to the Little Burgundy community this past year. We’ve added a food security program as well as a family support worker to better support those in our community struggling with the financial and mental health implications that COVID-19 has presented.

Educating one, to educate many

Along with the Diocesan Partnership Committee, I am proud to sponsor the education of The Rev Linus Buriani from the Diocese of Masasi who, early next year, will attend the Montreal Diocesan Theological College to obtain his Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Following his studies, Rev Buriani will return to Masasi to teach at St. Cyprian’s Theological College, the future regional center for theological training. So, by supporting the education of this one priest we are investing in the future education of many other clergy in our partner diocese. More information about all of these ministries can be found at Unless you specify otherwise, half of your donation will go to Giving with Grace which funds projects at the national church level, including The Healing Fund, military chaplaincies, indigenous ministries and more. For more information on Giving with Grace visit

With my thanks and every blessing,

The Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson

Download the English Letter HERE