Thy Kingdom Come Day 6 (May 18 2021)
/Every Day for 10 days (May 13-May 23rd) we will be praying together for renewal and revival in the Diocese of Montreal!
Welcome to Day 6 Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Sometimes we get things wrong. At times prejudice has crept into the lives of our Churches. Sometimes we have been blinded and not seen God’s call upon us. Let us pray together with hearts of repentance. For repentance helps us to turn away from what is wrong but also to turn towards God’s action in us and through us. At its core, repentance is about making ourselves open available to the gracious activity of God.
We will gather in a spirit of repentance to acknowledge discrimination and injustice in our communities of faith, and the ways we have not listened to God or others.
We will turn to God and ask for God’s direction for us.
7pm Zoom Join HERE
Contact Neil to learn more