Become a part of it: Help children and youth to a brighter post-pandemic future, coast to coast to coast: The Anglican Foundation's Fall 2021 Fund for Children, Youth and Young Adults


Become a part of it: Help children and youth to a brighter post-pandemic future, coast to coast to coast: The Anglican Foundation's Fall 2021 Fund for Children, Youth and Young Adults

by Gwenda Wells

You may have read about it in the current issue of the Montreal Anglican: the Anglican Foundation is launching a major programme to support young people of all ages to regain their footing after this difficult year. Say Yes! to Kids/Dites Oui! aux jeunes will help fund programmes all across Canada beginning this autumn. Anglicans across the country are contributing generously to this fund, and a conversation has begun among a few people in our own diocese to see if we might launch a project within our own diocese. 

What is the Anglican Foundation? A longstanding funding organization of the Anglican Church of Canada with strong roots in our own diocese, the Anglican Foundation offers money for a wide array of projects, from church and hall renovations (that's the part you might know best) to on-the-ground outreach and education. Our Diocesan Theological College receives generous support for its students. Another key component of the AF is its funding for projects for young people. In past years grants have been made to both Mile End Mission and Tyndale Saint George's.  Projects benefiting special needs and at-risk populations are frequent recipients. There is a strong tradition of support to First Nations and northern communities. The AF website offers lots of information about recent projects. There, you will learn of some recent projects that have received AF support : after school programmes, homework clubs, respite care for children with serious health problems to name a few.   

learn more about AF Here

How can I contribute? A peer-to-peer portal on the Anglican Foundation website makes it very easy to give. Of course, traditional gifts by cheque are always welcome; just make sure you direct your gift to Say Yes! to Kids/ Dites Oui! aux jeunes

How can I be part of the conversation about possible local projects? Please contact the Rev'd Gwenda Wells, diocesan liaison person,  for more information and to connect with the local conversation. Proposals are due in September, but it's time now to work with each other and with the Foundation staff to ensure proposals meet AF requirements and receive the endorsement of the Bishop's Office.