Today We Listen (National Day for Truth & Reconciliation 2021)

photo credit: Janet Best Truth & Reconciliation Synod 2018

A Collect (from Indigenous Ministries, written to accompany the Covenant of 1994)

 Creator God,

from you every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.

You have rooted and grounded us in your covenant love,

and empowered us by your Spirit

to speak the truth in love,

and to walk in your way towards justice and wholeness.

Mercifully grant that your people,

journeying together in partnership,

may be strengthened and guided

to help one another

to grow into the full stature of Christ,

who is our light and our life.



Anglican Healing Fund prayer

 Merciful God, you call us to loving relationship with one another.

Be with us now as we seek to heal old wounds and find joy again in this relationship.

Replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh.

Give us the gifts of honesty and openness, and fill us with your healing power and grace.

We ask this in Jesus’s name.
