Children's Ministry Matters 2021

‘Allow the children to come to me,’ Jesus said. ‘Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.’
— MATTHEW 19:14

Children's Ministry Matters: Presentations & Workshop

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As Christians, we know that children matter. We know that children's ministry matters. And we know that this pandemic has been grueling and has placed an enormous burden of isolation and fear on children and youth. 

Let's gather to reflect on how we will tackle these questions and inspire a future where children are at the heart of our ministry offerings. 

On Saturday, October 16th from 9-noon, we will hear from an international panel of leaders and pioneers addressing best practices and wondering about ways we can respond pastorally and creatively to our young people when they need it most. 

 What to Expect? A series of short presentations followed by interactive conversations and workshops to provoke questions and help us in our collective quest for ministry that delivers spiritual nourishment for children. 

This will be an online event using the Zoom platform


 List of presenters and topics

 1 Bishop Mark MacDonald - Indigenous / reconciliation

2 Rev Dr. Neil Mancor - Regional Coordinator Messy Church

3 Dr. Jonathan White - Music ministry

4 Rev Linda Borden-Taylor - Spiritual Direction for children

5 Anti Racism presentation - Anti Racist Task Force

6 Rev Grace Burson - Community Building in children’s ministry

7 Rev Judy Steers - Children’s ministry in a pluralistic society.

8 TBA -Godly Play

9 Sheilagh McGlynn- A view from the National Church 

10. Caitlin Reilley Beck - LGBTQ+ Affirming Children’s ministry 

11. Valerie Taylor - Children’s ministry: The Liturgical Year Calendar

12. Rev Jean Daniel O Donncada - Children’s Spirituality