Diocese of Montreal Ministries Rally to Support Young People

Diocese of Montreal ministries rally to support young people

On Tuesday, April 19 the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) kicked-off its 2nd annual Say Yes! to Kids Campaign with a live online launch.

“Last year we knew we had hit on a real need within the church,” said Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director. “This year’s campaign has focused on laying the groundwork for Say Yes! to Kids to be a long-term effort, one we believe can become a source of sustainable funding for youth-focused ministry and outreach across the Canadian church.”

According to AFC, there are approximately 20 fundraising teams nationwide. Campaign goals range from $2,500 up to $20,000 and programs include: dramatic arts, student bursary funds, revamping youth spaces, and support for young people who are experiencing homelessness, just to name a few. In the Diocese of Montreal there are currently two teams who have joined the Say Yes to Kids family.

Montreal Mission Internship (MMI): $5,000 to $10,000

A ministry of the Montreal Diocesan Theological College, MMI provides interns with service-learning placements that position them to become leaders, and act as change-makers in the community. “Placements may include work at one of Montreal's many faith-based service organizations,” says Dr. Jesse Zink, Principal. “Be it homelessness, food insecurity, or migration, placements are carefully chosen and arranged based on the participants’ interests, the quality of supervision, and the availability of meaningful work.”

Zink says the COVID-19 pandemic has stalled the lives of many young people on the verge of adulthood, “Every $5,000 raised through this year’s campaign will give one more young person access to a high-quality paid internship that will help launch them onto a path they are passionate about and provide them with the kind of vocational growth opportunities that have been sorely lacking during the pandemic.”

Phoenix Community Projects: $15,000

Launched in response to the pandemic, Phoenix Community Projects offers a variety of innovative programs that support and enrich emotional well-being for all ages. Jessica Bickford, a Vocational Deacon in the Diocese of Montreal and Executive Director of Phoenix has chosen to use the Say Yes! to Kids program to provide core funding for two key youth-focused programs.

“Through this fundraiser we will be able to expand our Play Like a Girl program to Lasalle, Quebec where we will partner with 4 additional schools,” says Bickford. “We will continue to build community partnerships and relationships with potential participants. We hope to reach between 100 and 150 young girls in our 2022-2023 season.” Bickford says Phoenix will also launch Camp Artemis, its inaugural summer day camp. “Within Quebec, programs for the English community are limited and hard to find. This is especially true when it comes to summer day camp programs.”

Bickford is grateful for an opportunity to connect with more supporters through Say Yes! to Kids. “It’s important to remember that growing up has never been easy and the pandemic has only made it more difficult. Caring, committed community partners who are using their skills and expertise to create safe, enriching programs can have a big impact on the lives of children and their families.”

Diocesan & National Partners

For every $10 donated to the Montreal teams, $4 will be shared between youth-focused ministry at the diocesan and national levels. This year the Diocese of Montreal will go the extra mile for Mile End Mission’s Montreal community. “Thanks to a 2021 grant from AFC’s 2021 Say Yes! to Kids campaign, 12 Mile End kids will get to enjoy a week-long camp experience at Quebec Lodge Outdoor Centre in the Eastern Townships,” says the Rt. Rev. Mary Gibson, Bishop of Montreal. “The diocesan portion of this year’s Say Yes! to Kids funds will help outfit the group with the necessary camping supplies—bathing suits, sunscreen, sleeping bags, etc.—to have a truly successful camp experience.”

Nationally, funds raised through Say Yes! to Kids will support Indigenous youth initiatives that are national in scope, and that complement the transformational work being done at both the local and diocesan levels. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and Chair of AFC’s Board of Directors, says, “Our Say Yes! to Kids champions are wonderful examples of sacrificial love and service, showing us in ways large and small how to be adaptable, how to persevere, and how to keep the faith amid uncertainty.”

You may donate HERE

For more information on registering a fundraising team for the 2023 Say Yes! to Kids campaign, contact Michelle Hauser at mhauser@anglicanfoundation.org