Final Webinar on Engaging with Children and Youth Online

On Friday, June 12th we are hosting the final in a series of webinars on Engaging with Children and Youth Online. This week our speaker is The Rev. Dr. Hilary Bogert-Winkler.

View the webinar here

Dr. Hilary Bogert-Winkler is the Director of Pastoral Studies at Montreal Diocesan Theological College. Prior to her arrival in Montreal, Hilary served as diocesan youth missioner for the Diocese of Western Massachusetts while she completed her PhD at the University of Connecticut. For the past decade, Hilary’s ministry has focused on faith formation with young people ages 11-18 in both parish and camp settings. Connecting her work in academia and in the parish is her passion for theological education and her belief that learning about our faith should not be confined to the classroom or the Sunday School room, but should be part of our daily life as Christians.

To register email Lee-Ann or click going on the Facebook event

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