Diocese of Montreal - Guaranteed Basic Income – how can you help?
/Diocese of Montreal - Guaranteed Basic Income – how can you help?
Bishop Mary along with the House of Bishops sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister, and to The Honourable Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance. Together they are asking for a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) to be instituted in our country as a more efficient and equitable way to make sure that everyone has a minimum of support for living.
The letter is here https://www.anglican.ca/news/a-public-letter-on-guaranteed-basic-income/30026458/
Bishop Mary nominated Nancy Greene- Gregoire and Rev. Deacon Peter Huish to represent our Diocese in cross-Canada GBI discussions to be involved in taking the next steps of developing well-informed advocacy within the church. Nancy Greene-Gregoire (ngreene@acm.org) is a lay person and our EFM co-ordinator. She volunteers for and is on the board of the Mile End Mission. The Rev. Deacon Peter Huish (huish.peter@gmail.com) is a vocational deacon, and a member of Christ Church Cathedral. He has worked as a prison chaplain and currently is part of an organization called Communitas, which advocates for and supports prisoners in their reintegration into society.
You are invited to add your voice to those of the House of Bishops and those of the ELCIC (Lutheran) Bishops and to share this with all who may wish to support this cause, even outside the Anglican community. The more people who send in letters, the better.